Fengyi Franklin Zhu 

Portfolio A/B

Fengyi Franklin Zhu

Portfolio A / B

NDR 3D Type 

Internal project @MovingBrands

Key Responsibilities

Creative Team


New Design Reality (NDR) is an internal experiment exploring the future of typography through computational methods and spatial design. It began with an imaginary 2D logo, "NDR," which I then extensively modeled and designed in 3D space. By repurposing the 2D silhouette, I transformed it into a set of 3D objects, creating a spatial typeface.

To effectively demonstrate this typeface, I made a web-based type viewer/editor using Three.js. This tool enables users to type, scale, rotate, adjust materials and backgrounds, capture screenshots, and share their creations. View the WebGL demonstration here.

Fengyi Zhu © 2024
Fengyi Zhu © 2024